Handouts and Resources

Healthy Handouts

7 Day Budget Meal Plan
Add More Vegetables
African Americans with High Blood Pressure
Be Active Adults
Be Food Safe
Build A Healthy Meal
Choose My Plate
Choosing Whole Grain Foods
DASH Diet (for HTN)
Eat Seafood
Eating Better On A Budget
Enjoy Foods From Many Cultures
Enjoy Your Food But Eat Less
Healthy Eating Active Lifestyle
Healthy Eating For Vegetarians
Heart Healthy Diet
How to Improve Cholesterol
Make Better Beverage Choices
Make Healthier Holiday Choices
Protein Foods
Salt And Sodium
Salty Six
Seasons of Eating
Smart Shopping
Stay Fit on Campus
What do my Cholesterol Levels Mean
What is Cholesterol Lowering Medicine
What is high cholesterol and TGs


Favorite Nutrition Apps and Trackers


Nutrition Trackers
Mindful Eating & Eating Disorder Apps and Resources
Exercise Apps
Gluten Free Apps
Habit Tracker
Water Intake Apps


Nutrition Tracker Apps


Name: Chron-O-Meter


Description: breaks down nutritional components of foods to help paint a complete picture of your diet. Cam track activity and exercise and provides customized charts to look at progress over time.

USDA Super Tracker

usda supertracker

Description: Provides a personalized nutrition and physical activity plan. Allows you to track the foods you eat and compare to your nutrition targets.


Mindful Eating & Eating Disorder Apps and Resources


Name: Rise Up + Recover

rise up and recovery eating disorder app

Description: An Eating Disorder monitoring and management tool for Anorexia, Bulimia, Bing Eating and EDNOS. Based off of self –monitoring homework and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this app helps you track meals, emotions, behaviors and thoughts to aid in the road to ED recovery. Can export PDF summaries of your progress and share with your treatment team.

Name: RR Eating Disorder Management

Recovery Record

Description: A companion for managing your journey to recovery from eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obsessive eating disorder, binge eating disorder and compulsive eating disorder. Includes evidenced-based skills for healthy coping.

Name: Mindful Meal Timer

Mindful Meal Timer logo

Description: Guides you to slow down your eating to engage your senses. Focus on being present with your food, and allow you to feel your fullness as it sets in.

Name: In the Moment – Mindful Eating

In the Moment – Mindful Eating logo

Description: Helps to improve your body awareness and mindfulness by guiding you to better spontaneous food choices when hunger hits and quick options are needed. Practice healthy coping skills when emotional states make decision-making more difficult.

Name: Am I Hungry?® Virtual Coach

ami hungry app logo

Description: The Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Virtual Coach was designed to help you end futile restrictive dieting and resolve mindless and emotional eating. Designed and developed by founder Michelle May, M.D., this app will guide you through the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Cycle. Whenever you feel like eating, simply click “I want to eat” and the app will guide you through the process step by step.”

Name: Food Psych Podcast - Intuitive Eating, Positive Body Image, & Eating Disorder Recovery

Description: Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor Christy Harrison talks with guests about their relationships with food, body image, eating disorders, weight and size acceptance, non-diet nutrition, exercise, body politics, feminism, self-compassion and self-care--all from a body-positive, Health at Every Size perspective. Offers tips to help you accept your body and let go of guilt about food.


Exercise Apps


Name: BodySpace

BodySpace logo

Description: Allows you to pick a training program to achieve your fitness goals. Offers photos and detailed instructions. Great for those who want help with weight training.

Name: Couch to 5K

Couch to 5k logo

Description: For folks who want to try running but don’t know where to start. Eight week program gives users three workouts per week that will help get you in shape for a 5K race.

Name: Blogilates

Blogilates logo

Description: Access to countless Pilates videos by Cassey Ho plus an online forum and monthly workout calendar.

Name: Sworkit

Sworkit logo

Description: Can specify the type of workout (strength, cardio, yoga, or stretching) and the amount of time you’ve got (anywhere from five minutes to an hour). The app gives you work out moves for your physical activity session.

Name: Daily Yoga

Daily Yoga logo

Description: More than 50 yoga classes shot in HD, each sequence has a specific focus (flexibility, strengthening core, etc).


Gluten Free Apps


Name: Gluten Free Ingredients

utensils on plate

Description: Gluten Free Ingredients is a toolbox for those suffering from gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance or celiac disease and needing to lead a gluten free life. Includes a list of gluten free ingredients as well as unsafe or potentially unsafe ingredients. The list is available offline.


Habit Tracker Apps


Name: Habit List

habit list logo

Description: Habit List helps you create habits to reach your goals, by motivating you to you stay focused and stay on track.


Water Intake Apps

Name: Water Drink Reminder

Description: Reminds you to drink enough water. Can set custom reminders to alert you when it’s time to drink up.